Frank Helmert
Frank Helmert
Head of Division Market & Innovation

Euler Hermes


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AI in Export Finance: Pioneering the Future Workflows

Frank Helmert
Head of Division Market & Innovation,
Euler Hermes
Dominik Kloiber
Exile Group

This session will explore how AI is transforming export finance, addressing ethical considerations, and highlighting future trends. Participants will engage in a Q&A to discuss diverse perspectives and actionable steps for integrating AI into their practices.

- What is AI's role and current application within the export finance industry?

- What potential workflow changes and ethical challenges have cropped up so far?

- What upcoming innovations could we see? How would you like to use AI in export finance?


Collaboration is key: DACH ECAs unite

Helmut Bernkopf
Member of the Board of Executive Directors,
OeKB - Oesterreichische Kontrollbank Aktiengesellschaft
Frank Helmert
Head of Division Market & Innovation,
Euler Hermes

This session comprises DACH ECA leaders to discuss how the role of export finance is changing in the region

- Has the profile of the typical client changed, and how?

- As technology evolves and becomes more key, how can the industry identify new opportunities/projects?

- How do ECAs stay on top of relevant and current industry needs? Is it important to have a network of representatives in target markets?